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Levels of information presentation

Обновлено 13.01.2024 06:15


There are several levels of information presentation:

the media level;

the level of means of interaction with the media;

the logical level;

the syntactic level;

the semantic level.

Let's characterize each of them.

1) The level of information carriers By its nature, information is not material and in its pure form is not accessible to a person. In order for a person to perceive information, there must be a material carrier: another person, substance (material carrier), energy (energy carrier). Information, being the subject of protection, requires the protection of those objects in which it is present in one form or another.

All media have two categories of information:

characteristic information: information of the carrier "about itself", about specific features: shape, size, structure, chemical and physical properties, energy parameters;

semantic information: something that does not depend on the type of carrier, the product of abstract thinking in the language of symbols.

The role of a person in relation to information is diverse: a person can be not only a carrier of information, but also a generator of new information, a source of information, an owner, a user. In relation to protection issues, a person can act both as a violator and as a defender.

As a carrier, a person needs more than just physical protection. A person should be protected from excessive, useless information, from disinformation, from destructive information (informational and psychological weapons). Many defense mechanisms work at the biological level in humans: when unnecessary or excessive information is received, attention decreases, memorization worsens, and reaction slows down.

Since decisions are often made on the basis of available information, it is important that a person is sufficiently informed. In this case, both lack of information is dangerous (incorrect decisions may be made based on incomplete information) and overinformation (difficulties in determining priorities and key factors).

Physical media are diverse in their qualities, among them there are those that have been used for thousands of years, there are those created in recent years. The most common currently include: paper, electronic media. Features of physical media:

they give information the property of staticity (constancy in time), in this regard they are usually used to store information;

the information is fixed firmly, it is difficult to destroy it without damaging the carrier;

over time, physical media deteriorate and age, while information dies along with the carrier;

Recording information is associated with changes in the physical and chemical properties of media.

Physical media, like any material object, should be protected from damage, premature wear, theft, and loss. Protection is also required when copying information. Copying is the process of transferring information to a similar or other medium without changing the quantity and quality. Copying is easily ensured with the help of modern technologies. For documents on paper, copying is carried out using a copier, scanner, camera. For electronic media, the copying operation is provided by standard software. As a result of copying, the same information is placed at different points in space on different media, therefore, protection of all media in all locations is needed.

Energy carriers are electromagnetic and acoustic fields.

Features of energy carriers:

they are mainly used to transmit information;

They don't age;

they spread uncontrollably in space;

capable of mutual transformation;

The recording of information is associated with changing the parameters of the field (various types of modulation).

The main ways to protect information on an energy carrier are: ensuring noise immunity when choosing encoding (modulation), ensuring the required energy of the signal, protection against leakage, including through spurious electromagnetic radiation and interference (PEMIN), protection against interception in the main channel.

2) The level of means of interaction with the carrier, direct interaction with the carrier is not always possible and is often carried out through complex technical devices. For protection at this level, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of information reading devices, for the lack of technical means of unauthorized access to information (so-called "bookmarks"), whose task is to intercept or redirect the flow of read information.

3) Logical level At the logical level in an information system, information can be represented in the form of logical disks, directories, files, ..., sectors, clusters. In modern operating systems, the levels of individual bytes, clusters, and sectors are not visible, so they are often forgotten. It should be remembered that deleting information at a high logical level (for example, at the file level) does not delete information at lower levels, from where it can be read.

4) Syntactic level The syntactic level of information representation is related to coding. Information is recorded and transmitted using symbols. A symbol is a certain sign that is given a certain meaning. A linear set of characters forms an alphabet. During the encoding process, one alphabet can be converted to another.

Depending on the goals, the following types of encoding are distinguished:

in order to eliminate redundancy - archiving, linear encoding;

in order to eliminate errors, noise-resistant coding;

For the purpose of information inaccessibility, cryptographic encoding is used.

5) Semantic level The semantic level is related to the meaning of the transmitted information. The same lexical constructions can have different meanings in different contexts. The use of professionalism, ambiguous words and words whose meaning has changed over time can distort the meaning of information.