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Protection against the threat of violation of the integrity of information at the content level

Обновлено 05.02.2024 03:23


Protection against the threat of violation of the integrity of information at the content level is generally considered as protection against misinformation. Even if an attacker does not have the opportunity to influence individual components of the system located within the controlled area, but if the sources of information entering it are outside the system, it is always possible to take them under control. With deliberate misinformation, both deliberate lies and half-truths are used, creating a distorted view of events.

The most common methods of disinformation:

direct concealment of facts;

biased data selection;

violation of logical and temporal links between events;

presenting the truth in such a context (by adding a false fact or hint) so that it is perceived as a lie;

presentation of the most important data against a bright background of distracting information;

mixing of diverse opinions and facts;

the presentation of data in words that can be interpreted in different ways;

the absence of mentioning the key details of the fact.

Distortions may occur in the process of collecting and receiving information.

The main causes of information distortion:

transmission of only part of the message;

interpreting what you have heard in accordance with your knowledge and ideas;

passing the invoice through the prism of subjective and personal relationships.

To successfully combat possible misinformation, it is necessary to:

distinguish between facts and opinions;

apply duplicate information channels;

exclude all unnecessary intermediates , etc .

In information systems, it is necessary to provide for the presence of subsystems that conduct primary semantic analysis and control the operator's work to a certain extent. The presence of such subsystems allows you to protect information not only from accidental, but also from intentional errors.