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Television and the Internet in the social communication system of the society

Обновлено 01.03.2024 08:35


The television channel, as the dominant one at a certain stage, "educated" a new generation of people whose thinking structure is set specifically for them. For some, television is a business, for others it's just entertainment, for others it's hard work. But all this does not exclude the understanding of television as a tool for solving political, social or even military tasks, as is happening all over the world. Television turned out to be stronger in its functions and consequences than just being an infotainment machine.

Television today has reached such a milestone when an event is not an event if it has not been continued on the television screen in the form of one or another version of its coverage. A typical reaction of all those who hold forums or congresses is to count the number of cameras in the hall. Every political figure tries to attract attention to himself, as publicity becomes the norm of our lives. This publicity finds its main expression in television today.

Television reality affects true reality, not the other way around. In general, here you can see the continuation of the idea of how the military sees the future war as a war of knowledge. Because knowledge gives you the opportunity to make decisions, wrong knowledge will give you wrong decisions. The enemy will always make the wrong decisions if he is based on the wrong knowledge. One of the divisions of this direction is called "perception management": we do not change objects, because in many cases this is impossible, but we change the perception of them. Television also changes our perception of figures and events all the time.

We see that the television version of reality weighs no less, and sometimes even more, than the real reality. This is due to the change in the society that humanity has entered. In this new democratic society, not only the information component plays a different role, but also the individual. The authorities need to find support for their actions in society, they cannot decide everything alone. Therefore, an appeal to the mass consciousness is being realized.

In the case of military action, the use of force must always be legitimized. Modern society refuses to live without it.

So the first conclusion is that television creates events. In a normal situation, you can look at it calmly, but in a crisis, everything changes. Therefore, there is a serious acceleration of the generation of events and the response to them.

Secondly, the world has come to understand that today intangible objects have become much more weighty. This is a religious or political identification. This is a social mythology, which is sometimes called a national idea. The whole world has learned to work well with material objects, with tons or kilometers, but it, and especially with bureaucratic institutions of the state, does not know how to work with objects of a more subtle nature. And religious identification forces people to commit terrorist attacks, national identity makes them independent. Political identification works in elections. All these are subtle structures from the point of view of the material world.

But no one pays attention to the fact that it is television that is able to materialize these intangible objects. American mythology is practically created by cinema. This is a constant fixation and support of the desired version of the worldview, which as a result gives positive attitudes.

M. McLuhan believed that writing fundamentally changed human thinking. Then the same situation happened with television.

Today, the Internet is testing us for a new type of thinking. The Internet is not a passive, but an active means of communication, since people themselves could search for information, rather than waiting in front of television screens for what they would be offered.

I would like television to take into account this new type of person in its formats as well. So, we have a much more complex type of television functioning than just an infotainment channel. Solving tactical tasks, leaving strategic ones for the distant future, it may happen that this future may simply not exist if attention is not paid to strategic tasks.