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What role do the Committee members of the Human Rights Committee play?

Обновлено 07.04.2024 15:20


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The members of the Committee work in their personal capacity, and not as representatives of their Governments. This ensures that political impartiality is respected within the framework of the activities carried out by the Committee. In order to ensure the highest standards of conduct for the management of its members, the Committee has adopted appropriate ethical guidelines. In addition, some of these elements are enshrined in the Committee's Rules of Procedure (CCPR/C/3/Rev.7). Thus, guarantees of impartiality have been created both in form and in substance. For example, a member of the Committee does not participate in the consideration of a periodic report submitted by the State of which he is a national or in the adoption of concluding observations on that report. A member of the Committee also does not participate in the discussion of a complaint filed under the Optional Protocol, which is directed against his country. If, for any reason, there are concerns about bias in relation to a particular issue, the relevant member of the Committee may refuse to participate in meetings where this issue is being considered.

The members of the Committee elect the officers of the Committee for a two-year term. These include the Chairman of the Committee, who has overall responsibility for organizing the work of the Committee, three Vice-Chairmen and a Rapporteur responsible for preparing the Committee's annual report to the General Assembly. In addition, there are currently three special rapporteurs who have been appointed by the Committee for a similar period of time to carry out specific tasks. They are:

The Special Rapporteur on new communications, whose duties include registering new complaints filed under the Optional Protocol and considering issues of a preliminary nature, in particular those related to the adoption of interim measures of protection, which are necessary to prevent irreparable damage in the case before the Committee;

The Special Rapporteur on follow-up to views, who monitors the implementation of the Committee's decisions on the merits of individual cases; and

The Special Rapporteur on follow-up to concluding observations, who, under the Committee's new procedure, is required to follow up on the reports of individual Member States considered by the Committee (see below).

A variety of factors are taken into account in the election of these officials, including the desirability of equitable geographical and linguistic distribution. The Committee is serviced by a secretariat provided to it by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and based at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland.


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